Should you believe hair growth claims?

Many women want long, beautiful hair. To appeal to customers, countless haircare brands claim that their styling products dramatically assist with hair growth. The question is, should you believe it? Well, the proof is in the hair growth pudding. But first, there are a few things to consider.
If your whole family has long hair, chances are that you'll have long hair, too. This is genetics. Genetics means that you inherit characteristics from your parents like hair color, height, or weight. Some brands use models who could grow length without using their products. They show them with a short cut and then months later they've gained several inches. In these instances, it is difficult to know about family genetics, so these claims can seem believable.
Poor Hair Condition
If you have hair breakage and other damage due to styling and then start a healthier hair regimen, it almost certainly will result in length retention. The formula is simple: deep condition, limit heat, wear protective styles, and use products free from chemicals. The odds are high that you will drastically improve your hair condition. This is not attributed to one product, but better overall care. You could even get longer hair results by using the food in your fridge, like Cardi B, who documents her hair growth journey on Instagram. It is all about treating your hair better using food-based ingredients.
Internal Health
Are you are still struggling to achieve length despite taking proper care of your hair? Your issue may stem from your internal health. Are you getting enough vitamins to nourish your blood with what it needs to supply your whole body? The best way to find out is to have your blood tested by a medical doctor.
You should also partner with a trichologist. A trichologist is a hair and scalp specialist trained in life sciences. They look at hair loss problems in a holistic way by evaluating clients on the basis of personal history, lifestyle, genetic factors and environmental conditions. Trichologists are not doctors unless they have obtained a medical degree. For example, a beautician can be a trichologist.
My Hair Journey
When I told my trichologist about my hair loss symptoms, which were seasonal shedding and thinning, he believed that I was vitamin D deficient because my condition coincided with the winter months. Vitamin D plays a major role in the creation of new hair follicles. Humans get vitamin D from the sun. Because of our darker skin, Africans are likely to be deficient in this important, especially those living in colder climates which forces us to be inside more.
My trichologist sent me to get a blood test for hemoglobin A1C, iron serum panel (Iron is necessary for the production of hemoglobin which is essential for hair growth.), and a complete blood count with differential which tests for red and white blood cell counts and platelet counts. The results determined that I was severely anemic and vitamin D deficient.
To correct my deficiencies, I was prescribed a high dosage of vitamin D and iron to take over 3 months.
How's it going? Well, I'm deep into the winter, in my 3rd month taking iron and vitamin D. While I still have some hair thinning, my hair is the fullest it has been in the last 10 years. Who knew?!
The moral of this story is that hair styling products that claim to grow your hair are not true. I say this having over a decade focused on external hair health. Any growth that I achieved came from a protective styling regimen which minimized my hair breakage. Although you can use products that are better for your hair health, growth of the hair comes from what we put inside our bodies. Good hair styling products are just the icing on the cake.